The Importance of Customer Data for ROI

  • The Importance of Customer Data for ROI

    Many B2B marketers know by now that mobile buying is an important element to selling in their industry. Though apps and mobile-optimized sites used to be traditionally the territory of B2C, we now know that business buyers are increasingly using mobile devices and tablets to make purchases.

  • 2024: An eCommerce Roadmap

    Whether you’ve just started your eCommerce research or if you’re looking to upgrade your existing platform, you’ve likely seen Magento mentioned, if not already explored the platform. After all, with the most single-platform market share of top enterprise retailers – there are clear reasons why it could be a great option to grow your brand.

  • Is Magento 2 the Right Fit for your eCommerce Site?

    Is Magento 2 Right for You? According to Magento research, B2B sales in the US are going to break $1 trillion this year, 2x the B2C market. The research also predicts that this market will reach 6.7 trillion globally. With all this untapped opportunity to increase sales – why choose Magento 2.1 over a competitor…

  • Optimizing eCommerce Operations for the Supply Chain

    Optimizing Ecommerce Operations Forrester Research reports that by 2022, eCommerce customers shopping with a company outside their home country will account for 20% of all online spending, from the firm’s analysis on cross-border e-commerce. Additionally, 40% of global eCommerce shoppers will make cross-border purchases regularly. 

  • 7 Ways to Integrate Video Into Online Retail

    When eCommerce began growing in popularity, it was common for traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores and other types of physical businesses to open online storefronts, in order to extend their reach and increase sales. But recently, companies that started out as exclusively eCommerce are reversing this formula and opening temporary physical locations known as pop-up stores.

  • Pop-up Stores: Maximizing eCommerce ROI

    Personalization has long been the domain of B2C. But as the marketing prowess of B2B catches up, personalization and behavioral targeting are becoming conversion tools necessary for growing business-to-business sales online. With powerful conversion features like customizing a customer’s landing page to their relevant interests and can suggesting products or promotions based on their browsing or…

  • Top Reasons to Attend Magento Imagine 2017!

    “First time caller, long time listener.” Web Solutions NYC will be exhibiting for the first time at the Magento Imagine Conference held at the Wynn Conference Center and Resort on April 3-5, 2017. We’ve attended this conference for many years, but with several exciting company developments – we know this was our year to take on…

  • Come Meet Us at Magento Imagine!

    Meet Us at Magento Imagine Have you caught up on your sleep yet? Or more likely – your inbox? Another Magento Imagine is in the books. Maybe you came back with a sunburn, but hopefully also some knowledge about the exciting future of eCommerce and the explosive growth of the Magento platform.

  • Magento Imagine 2017 Recap

    More and more businesses are handling their purchasing needs online. The once pen-and-paper B2B buying process is waning, and with it, more companies are looking to online to complete their purchases. But with the B2B online retail industry experiencing rapid growth – there is already massive competition in most industries for these buyers. Online retailers…

  • eCommerce in Asian Markets is Booming: Are you Global yet?

    In their 2017 report, Gartner evaluates 20 plus digital commerce platforms for effectiveness and vendor strengths. Here’s everything you need to know about this exciting new report that names Magento as a “Leader in Visionary” in their Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce. This report evaluates across a spectrum of criteria and comes to an important conclusion,…

  • Gartner Names Magento as an Industry Leader in Brand New Survey

    Magento Named Industry Leader The medical supply industry is in a transitional period. Many of the old school companies are still conducting pen-and-paper sales over the phone, with waning success. The pioneering companies that are conducting business online, however, are seeing their business-to-business medical supply sales explode. So, what are the main pitfalls to avoid…

  • Medical Supply Industry: Pitfalls to Avoid

    We are so excited to be attending the Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition (IRCE), one of retail’s premier conferences that boasts three days full of industry experts, greatest solution providers, and eCommerce’s newest technological advances.

  • Holiday eCommerce Series: Common Pitfalls to Avoid

    The release of Magento 2.1 has brought with it robust features for B2B eCommerce – and just in time, the B2B online retail global market is expected to reach $1 trillion in the next few years, according to Internet Retailer. There is a reason enterprise B2B businesses like Burger King and Shutterfly run their business-to-business…

  • The Great eCommerce Divide: B2B and B2C Differences

    It’s never too early to start looking towards your eCommerce roadmap for 2018 and beyond. Business-to-business eCommerce is growing at a staggering pace. The B2B online retail market occupies a $1 trillion+ space currently, and is expected to grow towards $2 trillion by 2020, according to Forrester analyst reports. It’s more important than ever for…

  • Black Friday and Cyber Monday Predictions 2017

    2017 Black Friday Predictions Magento merchants know the importance of making big holiday sales and achieving revenue goals: those same customers will be the loyal and repeat customers to boost the rest of the years’ sales as well. But how do you promote and get the attention of marketing-overwhelmed consumers without giving away the store,…

  • Trend: 20% of eCommerce will Occur Outside US by 2022

    Global E-Commerce Trends Around holiday time, customers are being flooded with sales emails, display ads, social media marketing and TV advertising. With so much competition for a “limited” pool of holiday shoppers … How do you get buyers to your site?

  • Top Revenue-driving eCommerce Promotions for Fall

    5 Compelling Stats to Make the Case for Canadian Cross-border eCommerce

  • 5 Compelling Stats to Make the Case for Canadian Cross-border eCommerce

    Subscription dinner services like Blue Apron and Hello Fresh deliver pre-portioned ingredients directly to the buyer’s door on a subscription schedule of their choosing, a strategy that was unheard of just ten years ago. Amazon is cutting deals with Prime Pantry, a service that allows busy families to bulk pantry items delivered on a monthly subscription.…

  • Grocers Need to Rethink their Online Selling Strategy

    Online Selling Strategy The following is a guest blog from the Magento experts at our technology partner, Nexcess. Interested in optimizing your server performance? Let’s talk!

  • Magento 2.2 Release: Should Magento 1 Merchants Migrate?

    Magento 2.2 Release: Migration Guide Online retailers know that each year, customers have more and more choices for holiday shopping. With cross-border and international commerce becoming more prevalent, domestic retailers are now competing with sources in other continents. These internationally-based retailers can undercut prices by selling directly from the manufacturing source. What can merchants on…

  • Magento Merchant Tips: Holiday Promotions

    According to Magento research, B2B sales in the US are going to break $1 trillion this year. That’s 2x the B2C market. The research also predicts that the market will reach 6.7 trillion globally. With all this untapped opportunity to increase sales – how do you choose a solution for B2B online retailing?

  • The eCommerce Front-End: A Hidden Conversion Driver

    Retaining customers throughout the year is difficult in itself, but its especially important to reactivate lapsed customers, while igniting new customer relationships for the holiday eCommerce season. How can retailers gain competitive advantage in the holiday online retail market without tiring out their customers with months of promotions? Data is the key. 

  • Intelligent eCommerce Decision-making for Holiday Wins

    The 2017 Internet Retailer eCommerce platform report states that “Half of online retailers say they have plans to change their e-commerce platforms.” But what are the top eCommerce merchants evaluating and looking for in an eCommerce platform switch? This brand new 2017 report names the top criteria to evaluate when migrating eCommerce platforms, from simplicity,…

  • New Report: What Top eCommerce Merchants Want in a Platform

    Top Ecommerce Merchant Needs A new report from Frost and Sullivan titled 2017 Global eCommerce Platforms Product Line Strategy Leadership Award outlines the in-depth reasons that several eCommerce platforms have been awarded excellence awards in the industry. Which products have the product strength to overcome the constantly shifting challenges that the eCommerce industry faces? The…

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