Shopware: Flexibility Built Into The Platform via Technology

API First, Customer First

Intro To ShopwareUnderneath…one of the ways that we try to enable these stories is by being API first, because that allows merchants and their agencies to build the kinds of experiences that the customers need, whether that’s PWA (progressive web apps) just some form of headless front end, whatever strategy they want to tell their story, we enable that with our platform.

I would assume that that’s pretty important in your world, that you will have that kind of flexibility to work with your partners and see what they need.

Absolutely, it’s a great point in the history of Web Solutions.

Every client’s unique, every business is unique.

We’ve always been working with our clients and as you mentioned, every client’s unique, every business is unique.

They might both be selling the same products, but they’ve got different unique selling points of their customer base and they need the control.

So as an agency, you know, we’ve been asked to look into all different types of software in the past because we build the relationship with the client and the SaaS solutions out there.

Some of them are really good. And, what we saw in the past year, year and a half, is a lot of people starting up over there and being able to launch and deploy really quickly.

And, now as they’ve grown their brand, they’re like, what now?

We’re hitting these limitations and we don’t want to spend a ton of money and like, go all out on the crazy enterprise platforms.

But we do need a little bit more customization and control over our destiny in our platform that we can deliver those unique experiences to our customers.

And so that’s what we’ve seen where it’s sort of that is I think you mentioned the hybrid, where it’s got all the functionality and power of SaaS.

However, with the added API customization ability, the headless, the Vue Storefront, which is just awesome and being able to customize it to your exact needs with an awesome framework to get you started on.

That’s why we’re really excited, and that’s what we think is a unique offering of Shopware.

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